Martin Kohout
Shade at the Shapes without Names headquarters
24.5.2018–28.7.2018 Prague Curated by Jiří Havlíček- Text by Martin Kohout and Jiří Havlíček
Chládek v centrále Shapes without Names
Shade at the Shapes without Names headquarters
Dear friends, colleagues,
and friends of colleagues,
Our department of ThingsThatTakeTooMuchSpaceInOurStorage-Coordination has recently brought to our attention that there are several items in our catalogue of ThingsMartinKohoutMadeRecently, butYouHaven’tSeemThemIRLquiteYet that need to be temporarily displaced from our storage facilities and hung somewhere else. Therefore, it is a great pleasure to inform you that we have again partnered with Polansky Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic, our temporary display location solution for the aforementioned items.
Sebeorganizující se hmota without the meaning that should overcode it. Malá místnost utopená v šeru. Vzadu někdo rovná zboží do regálů. Ve vzduchu je cítit přepálený olej, možná špetka koriandru. Dívka v krátké džínové sukni stojí před tmavým sklem. Zkoumavě pozoruje vlastní odraz a upravuje si bílé triko s potiskem. Nikdo se nedívá, všichni upřeně pozorují drobné svítící obrazovky. Prostor se mírně otřásá a naklání. Nikdo se nehýbe. Ve snu se podezřele často objevují prázdné herní prostory. Pohyb uvnitř obrazu je pouze světlem vyvolaná iluze*. Někdy nás monitor pohltí a znehybní, jindy se pohybujeme s ním.
Šicí stroj osvobodil na začátku devatenáctého století ženy od namáhavé domácí práce, aby je o něco později uvěznil v továrnách. History may or may not be moving toward the triumph of the proletariat, but it became clear from the research of geologists that life has progressed from bacteria to humans, from simplicity to complexity, from instinct to consciousness. Šicí stroj je stejně starý jako první myšlenka na počítač. Charles Babbage a Ada Lovelace, the confusion, the difficulties,
the contradictions. V roce 1830 byla ve Francii otevřena první továrna plně vybavená šicími stroji. Byla určená k výrobě vojenských uniforem. About 200 tailors rioted on the morning of Jan. 20th, 1831, ransacking the factory, destroying 80 sewing machines and throwing the pieces out the windows**. We learned how to invent things, and the question of why receded in importance. Walter Hunt came up with a back-stitching sewing machine in the early 1830s, but was afraid it would result in the massive unemployment of seamstresses, so he declined to patent it. Later he patented zavírací špendlík.
- Iluze - odvozeno z latinského illudere, česky zahráno.
** The Luddites were a radical group of English textile workers and weavers in the 19th century who destroyed weaving machinery as a form of protest. The movement was said to be named after Ned Ludd, an apprentice who allegedly smashed two stocking frames in 1779 and whose name had become emblematic of machine destroyers. Ned Ludd, however, was completely fictional and used as a way to shock the government.
Best wishes,
The advisors at Shapes Without Names headquarters
If you were wondering about the music playing on our radio, the songs were produced by
+you & space x (song: go home), 7038634357 (song: No Hate Is A Cold Star), and Hans Appelqvist (song: How Come).
We would like to express our special gratitude to the following individuals for their support and karma: Alonso, Esra Altin, Michal Brenner, Tereza Debnárová, Lenka Glisníková, Kaspars Groševs,
Nela Klajbanová, Marie Neumannová, Tania Nikulina, Marta Trektere, Štěpán Valenta,
Miloš Vopálenský, Kenji Yamamoto (Wasabi Tapes), Zezulkovi.