Eliška Konečná
Biography- Biography
- Exhibitions
- Polansky Exhibitions
Eliška Konečná (b. 1992, Czech Republic) lives and works in Prague.
Eliška Konečná is a multidisciplinary visual artist graduated from the Painting department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 2020 (Studio led by Robert Šalanda and Lukáš Machalický 2018 - 2020). Konečná’s work stems from an effort to display the untouchable abstract reality, which she interprets into material dimension. The alternative materials and techniques such as woodcarving or upholstery, which were previously marginalized and belonged to rather artisanal and decorative artistic tradition, are at the core of Konečná’s artistic research. Her hand-crafted wooden and textile bas-reliefs often balance on the fleeting border of wakefulness and sleep, tactile and immaterial. The floaty shapes of her artifacts underline the transgression of the body and its visual narratives related to the corporeality perceived through the prism of desires and drives.
2014-2020 AVU Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (Painting studio), CZ
2018 KABK Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, Netherlands, NL
2021 Artist in Residence, MeetFactory, Prague, CZ
Havrlant Art Collection, Prague
Marval Collection, Berlin/Milan
Private collections
Thirst, Polansky Gallery, Prague, CZ (cur. Caroline Krzyston) / SOLO
Full Moon Dreamers, Steinhauser Gallery, Bratislava, SK (cur. Michal Stolárik)
A Dry Place to Fall, east contemporary, Milan, IT (cur. Caroline Krzyston) / SOLO
SUMO Prague 2022, Berlínskej Model, Scary Good, Prague, CZ (cur: Anna Meinecke)
Anything goes when in love White&Weiss Gallery, Bratislava, SK
The Somnambulists, Kunstverein Eisenstadt, AU
Phantasmata, Public Gallery, London, UK
Baitball #02, Pallazo San Giussepe, Polignano a Mere. IT
Hussites at the Baltic Sea, Rondo Sztuki, Katowice, PL
Holly Matter, Bellow Grand NYC feat. Berlínskej model, NYC, USA
SABAT, Galerie Podbrzezie, Kraków, PL (cur: Lidka Krawczyk & Magdalena Lazar)
Sedimentation, Eliška Konečná & Maria Nalbantová (BGR), POP UP gallery AVU, Prague CZ (Cur: Veronika Čechová) / SOLO
II: Něžná / The Meek One, Karlín Studios, Prague CZ (cur: Šárka Koudelová CZ)
Tide of Softness, Pragovka Gallery , Prague CZ (cur: Veronika Čechová CZ)
OKO/UCHO, Gampa Pardubice, CZ (cur: Piotr Síkora & Iza Kaszyńska PL)
Intervention #27: In Their Skin, Jindřich Chalupecký Society, Museum of Southeast Moravia, Zlín, CZ ( cur: Karina Kottová CZ)
69.čin: Osamote o samotě, GAG Galerie Zlín, CZ
Les Danses Nocturnes, eastcontemporary, Spread Museum Entrevaux, France
PEEL (my tendence was never meant to be a scar), Galerie A.M180, Prague (cur: Jan Durina SK)
Feral Signals, eastcontemporary, Milan, Italy
Mood Spelled Backwards, Galerie Kurzor, Center for Contemporary Art, Prague (cur: Václav Jánoščík SK)
New Selection, Kvalitář Gallery, Prague
More Than Two Eyes, Couples 2, Berlínskej Model, Prague / SOLO
Collection Of Trophies That I Won Over Myself, SPZ Gallery, Prague
Uncertain Horizons, 0 Generation, Festival of Contemporary Art, Jihlava, CZ
Folie à Deux, trios, quatre… Prallel Vienna, Lassallestrasse, Wien, Austria
Folie à Deux, PRÁM, Prague (cur: Iva Mladičová CZ)
To nejlepší mne ještě nepotkalo, Kovárna, Valeč, CZ
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeeze, Garage Gallery Karlín, Prague (cur: kuku kolektiv CZ)
You`re broken - when your hart is not open, Czech Centre, Berlin, Germany (cur: Václav Jánoščík SK)
12th Prize of Art Critique for Young Painting, Galerie Kritiků, Prague
Komín, Industra Art, Brno, CZ
Bouncing off, Billy Town, Haag, Netherlands
GEPOAME, Galerie Bím, Dobřichovice, CZ
Existence of emptiness, JednaDvaTři Gallery, Prague